
·       am--- to be, to remain

ambiguous (a.)曖昧;不明確的---having more than one possible meaning

ameliorate (v.)改善---to make better

amicable (a.)友善的--- Friendly; proceeding from, or exhibiting

amorous (a.)多情的---Affected with love; in love

amnesty (n.)特赦--- Forgetfulness; cessation of remembrance of wrong

·       con--- to peruse; to learn

condone (v.)寬恕--- To pardon; to forgive

conducive (a.)助長的---tending to bring about

conflagration (n.)突發火災---a very intense and uncontrolled fire

congenial (a.)同質性的--- suited to the disposition

conjecture (v.)猜測--- to infer on slight evidence

·       de--- down, down from, from, off

     debris (n.)碎片--- the remains of something that has been destroyed 

decade (n.)十年 --- a period of ten years

debacle (n.)崩潰--- A breaking or bursting forth

     decapitate (v.)斬首;開革--- To cut off the head of

     decorum (n.)禮儀--- Propriety of manner or conduct

It’s not whether you get knocked down. It’s whether you get up again.



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