  • ab--- A prefix in many words of Latin origin. It signifies from, separating, or depature

abhor (v.)贈恨--- find repugnant

     abjure (v.)發誓放棄--- formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief,
                      usually under pressure

     abound (v.)豐富;豐滿--- be abundant or plentiful

     abrogate (v.)廢除---revoke formally

  • ar--- Awakeuncover

ardent (a.)熱心的---applied to the passions and affections; passionate  

artifact (n.)--- a product of human workmanship

artifice (n.)技巧--- a deceptive maneuver

artless (a.)無修飾---Simple; unaffected; sincere

ascend (v.)上升---To rise

belittle (v.)輕視--- cause to seem less serious

belligerence (n.)好戰性--- hostilities

benevolence (n.)仁慈--- An act of kindness

bereft (a.)被剝博的--- To take away from

 besiege (v.)包圍--- surround so as to force to give up

Tis better to have fought and lost ,than never to have fought at all.



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